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WHY SUPPORT: The fact that loneliness has recently been designated an epidemic by the  US Surgeon General isn’t surprising, but that doesn’t make it any less remarkable or devastating. The pandemic pulled back the veil on a national level of what daily life looks like for millions of Americans on a personal basis. Life can be lonely, exceedingly lonely, and the outcomes from a physical and mental health toll are staggering. 

YOUR IMMEDIATE IMPACT: SOAR was able to touch over 9,000 lives in our first year through concrete solutions and proven avenues to successfully ending epidemic levels of loneliness.  It will take a passionate and systematic commitment on the part of communities and service providers, but the outcomes can absolutely be reversed one personal connection at a time.


GROWING ROOTS & SOARING BEYOND: SOAR Together has a mission of putting an end to a health epidemic one social gathering at a time, producing an exponential ripple effect of improved moods, elevated spirits, newly-formed and lasting connections and long-term healing for individuals, families, and communities. 


The SOAR Together model of "exponential outreach program delivery" works as it positively impacts the lives of those who participate, volunteer, create, and receive.  SOAR is constantly scaling to meet both the immediate and longer-term needs of individuals and communities across zip codes and eventually state lines. 


It's Time to SOAR.....

SOAR Together's Sponsorships offer an immediate and fulfilling opportunity to join our powerful mission of ending the epidemic of loneliness and social isolation. We look forward to speaking with you to discuss these opportunities further.

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000

  • Logo on each Flower Power arrangement, delivered to 500+ recipients monthly across Fairfield County and beyond

  • Most prominent logo on SOAR Together t-shirts 

  • Recognition as a Presenting Sponsor on site homepage

  • Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in newsletters/emails/social media

  • Recognition as Presenting Sponsor by host during each gathering

  • Tickets to SOAR-sponsored sporting events

  • Invitation to Sponsor Appreciation event

Gold Sponsor - $5000

  • Logo on SOAR Together t-shirts 

  • Recognition as Platinum Sponsor on site homepage

  • Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in newsletters/emails/social media

  • Tickets to SOAR-sponsored sporting events 

  • Invitation to Sponsor Appreciation event

Silver Sponsor - $2500

  • Logo on SOAR Together t-shirts 

  • Logo recognition as Platinum Sponsor on site homepage

  • Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in emails/social media

  • Invitation to Sponsor Appreciation event

Bronze Sponsor - $1500

  • Logo recognition as Silver Sponsor on website

  • Recognition as Silver Sponsor in social media


SOAR Sponsors

We are changing lives and outcomes each and every day thanks to the support of our sponsors.
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