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SOAR Sparks

Sparking connections, conversations, and engagement

At SOAR, we call our volunteers Sparks. Sparks play an integral role on the SOAR team, as the epidemic of loneliness and isolation can only be overcome through systemic outreach on a consistent basis by a dedicated team of community members. 


From helping rescue flowers at local grocers (which we do 10 times per week), to cutting & cleaning them (2 times per week with volunteer groups), to helping us at events (lots of these as well), SOAR is a small and quickly scaling nonprofit that is a "team game" through and through. 


If you would like to volunteer during SOAR's programming, we certainly provide training to ensure you have the knowledge and skills necessary to best meet the needs of participants of all ages and stages, from conversational techniques and engagement best practices to creating Flower Power arrangements aimed at uplifting and engaging. 


We are creating a Sea of Sparks and would love your help ending this epidemic, one positive social connection at a time.


Reach out to us at to learn more about training to become a SOAR Spark during our programs, or to help with the mission critical roles of flower rescue and cutting/cleaning, please see the links below and know how deeply grateful we are for each and every time slot selected.



Below are weekly Flower Rescue volunteer opportunities that are extraordinarily helpful and deeply appreciated:


Monday Flower Rescue (Community Food Rescue - Bethel/Danbury line):


Wednesday Flower Rescue (Danbury Trader Joe's - except the first Wednesday of each month):​​​


Sunday Flower Rescue (Westport Trader Joe's):​​​​




SOAR Together, Inc.

Elevating levels of individual and community contentment through unique programs and collaborations -- all with the aim of improved health & life outcomes.


Phone: 203-810-6141

501(c)(3) Nonprofit: 93-2682702

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